Wrist fracture surgery

Fractures of the distal end of the radius, are one of the commonest injuries seen by orthopaedic surgeons. Whilst many can be managed simply in a cast, displaced or unstable fractures generally obtain a better result with surgery. This can involve internal fixation with a plate, or with external wires or a frame. The majority of this type of surgery is performed within acute NHS hospitals, however I do accept private referrals for potential fracture fixation.

Some patients get poor outcomes after distal radius fractures, with ongoing stiffness and pain. Whilst this is often a reflection of the severity of the fracture, sometimes there are other causes, such as unrecognised injuries to nerves, other bones, wrist ligaments or the triangular fibro-cartilagenous complex (TFCC), a ligament complex that guides forearm rotation at the wrist joint.  If the  distal radius heals in a grossly abnormal position it can cause on going pain and limitation of movement, especially in  yonger high demand patients.

On going symptoms persisting after a wrist fracture has healed should be assessed for associated injuries and  complications, as many of these problems are potentially treatable.